Amazon and the Sales Tax
I just sent this off to the Union-Tribune, but not everyone takes the UT!
So Amazon is being forced to charge a sales tax? This could and should open a can of worms. The Board of Equalization collects this tax, but they say they have told vendors that it is not to be collected on the basis of zip codes. The city of El Cajon has one of the highest sales taxes in the San Diego area. For years taxes have been collected from individuals who share a zip code with them but actually do not live in the city. I fought this for years and tried my best to make others aware of it. The legislature is always passing laws of which they don’t know the consequences. This is yet another one. So should these people get some kind of a rebate? From the City of El Cajon? It’s certainly not going to be from the Board of Equalization. They’ll tell you it’s a problem, but not theirs. A rebate on your federal taxes?
Or is everybody just going to roll over and never question it?
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